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Learn the basic fundamentals of AUTOSAR
and its Architecture with practical
AUTOSAR corporate training.


Gain enriched knowledge about AUTOSAR configuration/development. Learn more about AUTOSAR Configuration toolchains, Development Environments, Familiarity, AUTOSAR Standards/concepts for AUTOSAR Development and testing activities, under the guidance of industry experts.

Course Outcome

Get an overview of the classic platform of the AUTOSAR standard with the main focus on application software and system modeling.
Familiarize yourself with the basic terminology (e.g., RTE, SWC, VFB)
Gain Knowledge in the three-layered architecture, including basic software, RTE, i.e., Runtime environment, and application layer. Classic platforms and adaptive platforms are two standards used in AUTOSAR development.

Why Mazenet?

  • Expert Faculty

    Our Faculty comprises of 300+ SMEs with many years of experience. All our trainers possess a minimum of 8+ years of experience.

  • Proven Track Record

    We have served over 200+ global corporate clients, consistently maintaining a 99% success rate in meeting training objectives for 300+ technologies with quick turnaround time.

  • Blended Learning

    We provide course content over any platform that our clients prefer. You can choose an exclusive platform or a combination of ILT, VILT, and DLP.

  • Learning Paths

    The learning paths are very defined with clear benchmarks. Quantitative assessments at regular intervals measure the success of the learning program.

  • Case Study

    We have amassed over 10,000 case studies to support training delivery. Candidates will be trained to work on any real-time business vertical immediately after the training.

  • 24*7 Global Availability

    We are equipped to conduct training on any day, date or time. We have delivered training pan India, Singapore, North America, Hong Kong, Egypt and Australia.

Delivery Highlights

  • Customized Training Modules

    Training programs are highly flexible with module customizations to suit the requirements of the business units.

  • Certification

    The training can be supplemented with appropriate certifications that are recognized across the industry.

  • Multi-language Support

    Course content can be delivered in English, Spanish, Japanese, Korean or any other language upon request.

  • Personalized Training Reports

    Candidates are assessed individually at regular intervals and are provided unique learning suggestions to suit their learning calibre.

  • Industry-Oriented Training

    Industry-oriented training, completing which, candidates can be immediately deployed for billable projects.

  • Diverse Training Platforms

    Choose from Instructor-Led Training, Virtual Instructor-Led Training, Digital Learning Platform and Blended Training platforms

Course Preview

  • Input Descriptions
  • System Configuration
  • ECU-configuration
  • Generation of SoftwareExecutables

  • Motivation
  • AUTOSAR Initiative
  • AUTOSAR Concept
  • AUTOSAR Layer Model
  • Interface Definitions in AUTOSAR
  • Configuration Classes
  • SWC description
  • Brief introduction to Comstack
  • Brief introduction to Memstack
  • Brief introduction to RTE
  • BSW Mangers – COMM , CSM , ECUM , STBM , WDGM

  • Introduction
  • Communication Paradigms
  • Virtual Function Bus (VFB)
  • Inter-ECU communication
  • Client-Server Communication
  • Sender-Receiver Communication
  • Key features and Portability

  • AUTOSAR Interface
  • Standardized AUTOSAR Interface
  • Standardized Interface

  • Services Layer
  • ECU Abstraction Layer
  • Complex Device Driver

  • Communication
  • Drivers CAN Driver
  • (Can) Ethernet Driver
  • (Eth) FlexRay Driver
  • (Fr)
  • LIN Driver (Lin)
  • TTCAN Driver
  • (Ttcan)
  • SPI Handler Driver (Spi)

  • ADC Driver (Adc)
  • DIO Driver (Dio)
  • ICU Driver (Icu)
  • PWM Driver
  • (Pwm) Port
  • Driver (Port)

  • EEPROM Driver
  • (Eep) Flash Driver
  • (Fls) RAM Test
  • (RamTst) Flash
  • Test (FlsTst)

  • Core Test
  • (CoreTst) GPT
  • Driver (Gpt) MCU
  • Driver (Mcu)
  • Watchdog Driver (Wdg)

  • CAN Interface (CanIf)
  • CAN Tranceiver Driver (CanTrcv)
  • Ethernet Interface (EthIf)
  • Ethernet Transceiver Driver
  • (EthTrcv) FlexRay Interface (FrIf)
  • FlexRay Tranceiver Driver (FrTrcv)
  • LIN Interface (LinIf)
  • LIN Transceiver Driver
  • (LinTrcv) TTCAN Interface
  • (TtcanIf)

  • Memory Abstraction Interface
  • (MemIf) Flash EEPROM Emulation
  • (Fee) EEPROM Abstraction (Ea)

  • Watchdog Interface (WdgIf)

  • COM Manager (ComM)
  • BSW Mode Manager
  • (BswM) Crypto Service
  • Manager (Csm) ECU State
  • Manager (EcuM)
  • Synchronized Time-Base Manager
  • (StbM) Watchdog Manager (WdgM)

  • Diagnostic Log and Trace
  • (DLT) Development Error
  • Tracer (Det) Diagnostic Event
  • Manager (Dem) Function
  • Inhibition Manager (FiM)

  • NVRAM Manager (NvM)

  • CAN Network Management (CanNm) 
  • CAN State Manager (CanSM)
  • CAN Transport Layer (CanTp)
  • Ethernet State Manager (EthSM)
  • FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer (FrArTp)
  • FlexRay ISO Transport Layer(FrTp)
  • FlexRay Network Management (FrNm)
  • FlexRay State Manager (FrSM)
  • IPDU Multiplexer (IpduM)
  • LIN Network Management (LinNm) 
  • LIN State Manager(LinSM)
  • Network Management Interface (Nm)
  • PDU Router (PduR)
  • Debugging (Dbg)
  • Diagnostic Communication Manager (Dcm)

  • Introduction, Application and Limitation
  • Basic Software Modules Interfaces
  • Micro Controller/Hardware Interfaces
  • SWC Interfaces

  • BSWM, and ComM
  • CAN, LIN Basics
  • CAN stack layers
    • CAN IF
    • Can TP
    • CAN NM

  • Diagnostic Session Layer (DSL)
  • Diagnostic Service Dispatcher (DSD)
  • Diagnostic Service Processor (DSP)
  • Diagnostic Protocols: UDS, KWP,OBD

  • General
  • Diagnostic Event
  • Extended Data
  • Freeze Frame
  • OBD FreezeFrame
  • NvRam Blocks

  • Description of Modules:
  • NVRAM Manager
  • Mem If
  • Fee
  • EEP driver
  • NVM Blocks
  • Native Blocks
  • Redundant Blocks
  • Dataset Blocks

  • What is Crypto ? Why it is required.
  • Hash Functions
  • Symmetric Cryptography
  • Message Authentication Code (MAC)
  • Asymmetric Cryptography
  • Digital Signature
  • Certificates
  • Transport Layer Security (TLS)
  • Crypto Service Manager(CSM)
  • Crypto Interface (CryIf)
  • External Crypto Driver
  • Crypto Driver (SW/HW)
  • Secure Onboard Communication (SecOC)

  • ADC and DAC
  • DIO, GPT
  • ICU, MCU, OCU,
  • PWM, SPI ,I2C

  • Input Descriptions
  • System Configuration
  • ECU-configuration
  • Generation of SoftwareExecutables

  • AUTOSAR tools - All different tools and its Usages
  • AUTOSAR workflow
  • What is SIP
  • ECUS extract - Different ARXML
  • Creation of new project
  • Post Build support
    • Loadable
    • Selectable
  • Pre-compile support
  • Link Time support
  • Virtual Target
  • Davinci Developer
  • Davinci Configurator Pro
  • New Project Creation
  • Import ARXMLS
  • Adding and removing ECU file reference
  • Port and PINs
    • How to Select PINs and Different PIN Modes
    • (Modes:- Multi mode or multi-functional )
  • SPI 
    • Port PIN Selection for CS
    • o Select Port Id and PIN ID"
  • ADC
    • Selection of Channel No. and Channel ID
  • PWM
    • Selection of Ports for PWM
    • Selection of different options
  • DIO 
    • Configuration of DIO
  • DEM
    • DEM configuration
    • DTCs
  • CAN Configuration (J1939)
    • Complete CAN configuration fromDBC
    • One complete configuration
  • BSWM
    • Mode Management Configurations withall different options
  • EcuM
    • Configurations of all Init functions
  • OS 
    • All different OS options
    • Linking of Runnable to Tasks
  • The RTE and Its Optimal Configuration
    • Configuring the RTE
    • Features and restrictions
    • Input to the RTE editor
    • Instantiating SWCprototypes
    • Mapping runnables to OS tasks
    • Setting exclusive area implementationmechanisms
    • Configuring partitions
    • Port mapping (service port and data port).
    • Runnable to task mapping.
    • RTE Validation
    • RTE Generation
    • Compilation of code
  • Services Layer
  • ECU Abstraction Layer
  • Complex Device Driver
  • Basic Usage—
    • Creating EcuConfigurations
    • Setting MCAL
    • Adding and editing modules
    • Linking to Ecu Extract
  • Importing Configurations —
    • Importing modules
    • Importing from CanDB files
    • Importing from Ecu Extracts
  • Validation and Generation of configurations—
    • Model validation
    • Code generation in Bsw Editor.
  • Post Build Configuration —
    • Bsw Editor post build editing mode.
  • Advanced Usage —
    • Advanced topics on the Bsw Editor
  • Validation and generation.
  • ECU-configuration
    • Generation of SoftwareExecutables
    • Introduction
    • Create Project
    • Import Application Model from SWCD
    • Create Ecu Configuration File
    • Connect to Ecu Extract
  • Import errors – Most common ImportErrors
    • Bswm01016,(can related module not enabled ).
    • CAN 02012 an invalid baud rate is configured
    • cfg 00022 the value of the reference Cancounteris missing
    • CanIf1005 inconsistent settings of parameter
    • Cfg95350 ECuC BsW init function missing .
    • RTE01056 : unmapped runnable
    • Etc