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Elevate your team’s performance
with expert GCP training


Expand Google cloud Programming skills by learning with GCP Core services like Cloud Compute, Storage, and Networking to the Cloud advanced services from scratch. Gain hands-on exposure on cloud platform with theory and practical live sessions

Course Outcome

Store and secure data using Google Cloud Storage.
Use Google Cloud SQL to store application data.
Effectively use Google Compute Engine features, including Instances, images, persistent disks, startup scripts, metadata, snapshots, networks, and load balancers
Build and deploy Google App Engine applications that use caching, authentication, storage (Google Cloud Datastore), and queues.

Why Mazenet?

  • Expert Faculty

    Our Faculty comprises of 300+ SMEs with many years of experience. All our trainers possess a minimum of 8+ years of experience.

  • Proven Track Record

    We have served over 200+ global corporate clients, consistently maintaining a 99% success rate in meeting training objectives for 300+ technologies with quick turnaround time.

  • Blended Learning

    We provide course content over any platform that our clients prefer. You can choose an exclusive platform or a combination of ILT, VILT, and DLP.

  • Learning Paths

    The learning paths are very defined with clear benchmarks. Quantitative assessments at regular intervals measure the success of the learning program.

  • Case Study

    We have amassed over 10,000 case studies to support training delivery. Candidates will be trained to work on any real-time business vertical immediately after the training.

  • 24*7 Global Availability

    We are equipped to conduct training on any day, date or time. We have delivered training pan India, Singapore, North America, Hong Kong, Egypt and Australia.

Delivery Highlights

  • Customized Training Modules

    Training programs are highly flexible with module customizations to suit the requirements of the business units.

  • Certification

    The training can be supplemented with appropriate certifications that are recognized across the industry.

  • Multi-language Support

    Course content can be delivered in English, Spanish, Japanese, Korean or any other language upon request.

  • Personalized Training Reports

    Candidates are assessed individually at regular intervals and are provided unique learning suggestions to suit their learning calibre.

  • Industry-Oriented Training

    Industry-oriented training, completing which, candidates can be immediately deployed for billable projects.

  • Diverse Training Platforms

    Choose from Instructor-Led Training, Virtual Instructor-Led Training, Digital Learning Platform and Blended Training platforms

Course Preview

Introduction to Google Cloud

  • Introduction to Cloud Computing
  • Overview of Google Cloud Platform
  • Google Cloud Account Creation
  • Overview of Billing and credits

An Overview of GCP Services

  • Identity and Access Management
  • Networking
  • Compute
  • Databases
  • Storage
  • Analytics
  • DevOps

GCP Global Infrastructure

  • Overview of Google Cloud Infrastructure
  • Data Centers
  • Regions
  • Availability Zones
  • Google Edge Locations

GCP Console Overview:

  • Learning about GCP Console
  • Using console
  • GCP Management
  • GCP Project settings
  • GCP Organization settings

GCP Cloud CLI and CloudShell

  • Installation
  • Configuration
  • Accessing GCP Resources
  • gcp commands over CLI
  • gcp commands over CloudShell

GCP Identity and Access Management (IAM)

  • What is Identity and Access Management
  • Organizations
  • Projects
  • Roles
  • Members
  • Service Accounts
  • Keys
  • API
  • Cloud IAM best practices

GCP Networking Module - Virtual Networks

  • What is GCP Virtual Networks?
  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
  • Subnetworks
  • IP addresses
  • Routes
  • Firewall rules
  • Load Balancers
  • Autoscaling
  • Bastion Host
  • DNS Servers resolution with VNET
  • VNET endpoint resolution with Public IP

GCP Compute Engine Module – Compute Instance Windows

  • Launching Public Subnet Windows VMs
  • Launching Private Subnet Windows VMs
  • Connections to Windows VMs
  • Webserver Installation
  • Deployment a Sample Application
  • Resolution of Sample Application

GCP Compute Engine Module – Compute Instance Linux

  • Launching Linux VMs in Cloud
  • SSH to Linux VM in Cloud
  • Webserver Installation
  • Configure Apache
  • Deployment of Sample Application
  • Resolution of Sample Application
  • GCP Compute Module-App Engine Module
  • About Google App Engine (GAE)
  • Application Development in GAE
  • Developing Spring Boot application
  • Deploying apps to GAE
  • Deploy apps using SDK
  • Deploy apps using CLI and CloudShell


  • What is DNS?
  • How DNS Works?
  • Understanding about DNS records
  • Alias Records

GCP DNS -DNS ZONE Resolution

  • Create a DNS Zone
  • Configuration with different Policies
  • Create Traffic Manager Profile
  • Resolution of DNS Zone with Public IP
  • Resolution of DNS Zone with Load Balancer

GCP Storage-Google Cloud Storage

  • An Overview of Cloud Storage
  • Types of Storages
  • Block Storage
  • File Storage
  • Buckets
  • Files
  • Objects
  • Using SDK, CLI, and Cloud Shell

GCP SQL Databases-Google Cloud SQL

  • What is GCP Cloud SQL?
  • CloudSQL and MySQL
  • Cloud SQL and PostgreSQL
  • Configure the server firewall
  • Loading Data to CloudSQL
  • Query data from CloudSQL
  • CRUD operations to CloudSQL
  • Cloud Spanner
  • Cloud Datastore
  • Cloud Bigtable
  • Big Query

GCP NO SQL Databases-Google Cloud Fire store

  • What is NoSQL
  • NoSQL on GCP
  • About GCP Fire store
  • Build apps using Fire store
  • Loading Data to CloudSQL
  • Query data from CloudSQL
  • CRUD operations to CloudSQL
  • GCP-Functions-Function as a Service-Cloud Functions
  • Introduction to Cloud Functions
  • Benefits for using Cloud Functions
  • Implement a project using Cloud Functions
  • Learning about Cloud Functions

GCP Serverless-Serverless Computing with Cloud Functions

  • Introduction to Serverless Computing
  • Serverless with Cloud Functions
  • Real Time applications with Cloud Functions

GCP DevOps-Source Code Management-GIT/GITHUB

  • What is Version Control System?
  • GITHUB Desktop
  • Installation
  • Configuration
  • Basic Commands
  • Branches
  • Repositories
  • GCP DevOps -Source Code Management -Bitbucket
  • What is Bit Bucket?
  • Using Bit Bucket
  • Creation of Repos
  • Creation of branches
  • Creation of Pipelines
  • Branching
  • Cloning
  • Pull Request

GCP DevOps -Build Management-MAVEN

  • Automated Build Process
  • Maven
  • Maven Structure
  • Maven Dependencies
  • Maven Repositories
  • Maven Plugins
  • Integrated Maven Build

GCP DevOps -Continuous Integration Tool-Jenkins

  • What is Jenkins
  • Installation
  • Configuring Jenkins
  • What is node
  • Configuring node
  • Setting up a node
  • Jobs/Plugins
  • Creating Application Builds
  • Cloning the sample Project
  • Creating the Jenkins job and Configuring a Git Repo
  • Compiling in Jenkins
  • Browsing the workspace in Jenkins
  • App Packaging in Jenkins
  • Cleaning up past build

GCP DevOps -Middleware Tier-Apache Tomcat

  • What is Apache Tomcat?
  • Installation, Setup and configuration
  • Running Apache Tomcat
  • Jenkins Integration of Apache Tomcat
  • DevOps-Artifactory-JFrog Artificatory
  • What is Artifactory
  • Use Cases
  • Install Artifactory
  • Setup Artifactory
  • Using Artifactory

GCP DevOps -Image Building Tool –Packer

  • What is Packer?
  • Why do we use Packer?
  • How to Install Packer?
  • Running Packer to create GCP Images

GCP DevOps -Provisioning Tool-TERRAFORM

  • Use Cases
  • Install Terraform
  • Using Terraform
  • Launching infra using Terraform
  • Learn how to Create GCP Infrastructure using Terraform
  • Learn how to manage GCP Infrastructure using Terraform

GCP DevOps-Configuration Management Tool-Chef

  • What is Chef?
  • Chef Server
  • Chef Workstation
  • Chef-Repo
  • Chef-Client
  • Server and Nodes
  • What is Cookbook
  • What is Knife?
  • Bootstrapping of Nodes
  • Knife plugins

GCP DevOps-Configuration Management Tool-ANSIBLE

  • Introduction to Ansible
  • Installing Ansible
  • Testing with First Ansible
  • Ansible Configuration Basics
  • Plays & Playbooks’ basics
  • Basic Play book
  • Advanced Playbook usage

GCP DevOps- Containerization-DOCKER

  • What is Docker
  • Installing Docker on Windows, Linux
  • Docker Pull, Build, Run
  • Working with images
  • Container Life cycle
  • Dockerfile
  • Pushing App to GitHub

GCP-Containers-GCP Cloud Run

  • An Overview of GCP Cloud Run
  • Using GCP Cloud RUN
  • Deliver Cloud RUN
  • Deploying apps to Cloud RUN

GCP-Container Orchestration-GCP Kubernetes Engine

  • What is Kubernetes?
  • Kubernetes Architecture
  • Nodes
  • Pods
  • Services and Deployment
  • GCP Kubernetes Engine
  • Pushing App to Kubernetes Cluster

GCP Resource Management

  • Cloud Resource Manager
  • Quotas
  • Labels
  • Names
  • Billing

GCP Resource Monitoring

  • Monitoring
  • Resource Monitoring
  • Logging
  • Error Reporting
  • Tracing, Debugging
  • Error Reporting and Debugging

GCP Infrastructure Automation with Google Cloud Platform APIs

  • Infrastructure automation
  • Images
  • Metadata
  • Scripts
  • Google Cloud API

GCP-Infrastructure Automation with Deployment Manager

  • Deployment Manager
  • Configuration
  • Cloud Launcher
  • Deployment Manager

Introduction to DevOps

  • Overview of DevOps
  • DevOps Pipelines
  • Why DevOps?
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • DevOps Ecosystem

DevOps-Continuous Code Inspection – SonarQube

  • What is SonarQube?
  • Installation on Sonar Qube?
  • How to use Sonar Qube?
  • Integration of Sonarqube with Maven Project

GCP DevOps-Continuous Monitoring Tools – Nagios

  • Introduction to Nagios
  • How the Nagios XI works
  • Add windows and Linux Hosts to Nagios
  • Monitoring different services and resource

GCP DevOps-Continuous Log Analysis Tools– ELK

  • Introduction
  • What is ELK?
  • ELK Installation
  • Configuring Logstash and Kibana

Certification we provide

Foundational certification

Validates broad knowledge of cloud concepts and the products, services, tools, features, benefits, and use cases of Google Cloud.

  • Has fundamental understanding of Google Cloud products, concepts and services
  • Collaborative role with technical professionals
  • No technical prerequisites

Associate certification

Validates fundamental skills to deploy and maintain cloud projects.

  • Has experience deploying cloud applications and monitoring operations
  • Has experience managing cloud enterprise solutions

Professional certification

Validates key technical job functions and advanced skills in design, implementation and management of Google Cloud products. This includes specialized certifications.

  • Has in-depth experience setting up cloud environments for an organization
  • Has in-depth experience” deploying services and solutions based on business requirements