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Gain a solid understanding of Golang
core constructs and scale up your skills
with Comprehensive Golang Corporate Training


Gain a solid understanding of the popular programming language. Learn how to apply functional, object-based programming and concurrency techniques. Also, gain knowledge of Go-based web servers, Go services, Go microservices etc.

Course Outcome

Master Go programming language and it's core fundamentals.
Build production-ready web apps and RESTful APIs in Go.
Write highly maintainable and extensible systems with Go's type system.
Learn in-depth on Go functions, including functional programming.

Why Mazenet?

  • Expert Faculty

    Our Faculty comprises of 300+ SMEs with many years of experience. All our trainers possess a minimum of 8+ years of experience.

  • Proven Track Record

    We have served over 200+ global corporate clients, consistently maintaining a 99% success rate in meeting training objectives for 300+ technologies with quick turnaround time.

  • Blended Learning

    We provide course content over any platform that our clients prefer. You can choose an exclusive platform or a combination of ILT, VILT, and DLP.

  • Learning Paths

    The learning paths are very defined with clear benchmarks. Quantitative assessments at regular intervals measure the success of the learning program.

  • Case Study

    We have amassed over 10,000 case studies to support training delivery. Candidates will be trained to work on any real-time business vertical immediately after the training.

  • 24*7 Global Availability

    We are equipped to conduct training on any day, date or time. We have delivered training pan India, Singapore, North America, Hong Kong, Egypt and Australia.

Delivery Highlights

  • Customized Training Modules

    Training programs are highly flexible with module customizations to suit the requirements of the business units.

  • Certification

    The training can be supplemented with appropriate certifications that are recognized across the industry.

  • Multi-language Support

    Course content can be delivered in English, Spanish, Japanese, Korean or any other language upon request.

  • Personalized Training Reports

    Candidates are assessed individually at regular intervals and are provided unique learning suggestions to suit their learning calibre.

  • Industry-Oriented Training

    Industry-oriented training, completing which, candidates can be immediately deployed for billable projects.

  • Diverse Training Platforms

    Choose from Instructor-Led Training, Virtual Instructor-Led Training, Digital Learning Platform and Blended Training platforms

Course Preview

Introduction to Go

  • Introduction to Go programming language
  • Setting up Go development environment

Go Language Fundamentals

  • Core language fundamentals
  • Functions
  • Arrays, Slices, and Maps
  • Defer, Panic, and Recover
  • Error handling

Go Package Ecosystem

  • A deep dive into package ecosystem in Go
  • Writing packages
  • Go Tools
  • Using Go standard library packages
  • Using third-party packages


  • A deep dive into Go’s type system
  • Introduction to Structs and Interfaces
  • Adding Behaviors to Structs
  • Value Receivers and Pointer Receivers
  • Using composition pattern for building data model for Go apps
  • Using interface for writing idiomatic Go code with Clean architecture

Concurrency Programming

  • Concurrency in Go
  • Goroutines
  • Channels
  • Unbuffered Channels
  • Buffered Channels
  • Channel Select
  • Advanced Concurrency patterns

Go Modules and Project Athens

  • Dependency management in Go
  • Introduction to Go Modules
  • Athens: A Go module datastore and proxy


  • Preventing data race conditions with Mutexes

HTTP Programming & RESTful APIs

  • A deep dive into Go’s http package
  • ServeMux and Handler
  • Creating custom handlers
  • Extending Go’s http package by using third-party packages
  • Routing using Gorilla Mux
  • Writing HTTP middleware
  • Building real-world RESTful APIs
  • Securing APIs using JWT

Testing Go Applications

  • Writing unit tests
  • Writing Benchmark tests
  • Testing HTTP applications
  • Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)
  • Writing BDD-styled testing
  • A deep dive into Ginkgo BDD test framework
  • Mocking Go interfaces
  • Mocking with GoMock - A mock framework for Go
  • Integrating GoMock with Ginkgo BDD test framework

Testing Go Applications

  • Writing unit tests
  • Writing Benchmark tests
  • Testing HTTP applications
  • Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)
  • Writing BDD-styled testing
  • A deep dive into Ginkgo BDD test framework
  • Mocking Go interfaces
  • Mocking with GoMock - A mock framework for Go
  • Integrating GoMock with Ginkgo BDD test framework

Containerise Go applications with Docker

  • Introduction to containerisation and Docker
  • Write Dockerfile for Go applications
  • Run applications with Docker container